Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Better Weather!

This week has been going really well! We've finally been having a little bit of cool weather and rain this last week and it has been great! We've been walking around without any heat and the weather has been perfect! We've been enjoying it a lot. It definitely makes walking in the streets a little bit more comfortable.

But other than the weather, we've been having a really good time in the sector. Elder Ahlstrom and I get along really well and we have been having a lot of success together and I really like it. We teach really well together and I like working with him. We've been teaching a lot of people, especially new people. 

We've been working a lot with a guy named Claudio. He's had a lot of problems in his life and he is trying to overcome them. We're trying to help him in that. It's really cool to see how much the Gospel of Christ can help other people and make a difference in their lives. I know it has made a difference in my life. Especially being out here. The gospel is awesome because it is the medication for any kind of spiritual disease or sickness. And the cool thing is that it works 100% of the time. That's the coolest thing of being here is seeing it happen in my life and in the lives of others.

Anyway, cool pics this week. The first one is really awesome! Elder Groen, who I trained, is now training! Which means I have a grand kid! hahahaha. But really. Groen is training and I'm super happy that he's doing so well in his mission. His name is Elder Jones!

The next is a little sad. All my agendas.... There are a lot.

And the last is a weird shack that we have in the back of our house. I don't know where it came from or why it's there. It just is.

Oh and I forgot to say one more thing. My district won a contest in the mission to re name a program. And the winner won a Bar-B-Que with President in his house. Mom, if you're friends with him on facebook you'll see the picture. It was really awesome! That's why I was so late getting on haha. But we had hamburgers and everything is was soooooo cool! But that's it. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


This week has gone by pretty fast. And the heat hasn't let up at all. It has been a really hot summer. And everyone is ready for it to let up. We're getting to the end of the heat. But studies say that the heat will easily go into the end of March. We should be close to fall here, but we'll see how it keeps up.

This last week we just started teaching a guy named Daniel. He's like 27, he's got a small family and everything. The thing with him is that he was baptized a long time ago, but when he started to study, he got a lot of weird ideas put into his head because of things he had read and heard in his studies. So he started to get really mixed up about his beliefs and stuff. But the cool thing about him is that really reaally wants to know what the truth is. So he is really willing to do the things we ask him to do, and he progresses a lot. He hasn't gotten a sure answer yet, but he's working for it.

This past week, Colo Colo and La U, two of Chile's biggest soccer teams, played each other, which is the biggest rivalry in Chile. And when one of them loses, and when one of them loses (it doesn't really matter who wins and who loses) everybody goes nuts. Even worse than the world cup. So a lot of us had to stay inside the house. It was stunk a lot. It was such a bummer for us. But because of the circumstances, we know it was what was best. Just a bummer because we all wanted to go out and work, but we couldn't. But it was only one day.

But that's about all that happened this week. We had a walking week this week, which kind of stunk, but it's all good. 

Well, this week I have the pictures that people were supposed to send me last week, but I didn't get them. This first picture is one of all the people that went paintballing last week.

The second one is of an epic home run that I hit when we played baseball a few weeks ago. And even after 6 years of not playing baseball, I've still got that amazing form!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Well we just ended the change. It went really fast. I'm sad to say that I stayed in Pedro Aguirre Cerda and Elder Virga left. That makes me really sad. We got along really well. He is a great kid. I stayed here in PAC and my new comp is Elder Ahlstrom. He is from the Utah. We got to Chile on the same plane. He is actually the first Elder that I talked to in the airport in Georgia before making the flight to Santiago. So that's really cool. I don't know him that well, but I'm sure we'll get along. He's a good kid.

So I'm staying here in Pedro Aguirre Cerda. I'm happy because I like this ward. Although, I only have 5 changes left, or transfer cycles or however they're known, which means about 7 and a half months. So, I'm not really sure how much longer I will be here for. We'll see in 6 more weeks.  Elder Kemp, who was only here for one change with Elder Paz, also left and Elder Paz is going to be training to finish the mision. How crazy! He's super excited. I'll send a picture of the four of us next week.

Anyway, this week was pretty good. Not too much to report. It has been reaaally hot these past few days. We have been dying down here. Haha it's killing us. But we're sticking to it. We're not of the work train yet. Vacations are officially over so that's nice because now everyone is back in town and we can start teaching all of our people. We'll just see how much longer they stay around. 

But other than that, everything is good. Here's a picture of me and Elder Ahlstrom.

Here's Elder Virga and I just before he left.

There's Elder Paz and Elder Kemp.

AAAAAnd today was sick! We got permision from Pres to go and play Paintball. SOO a few of us went and played paintball! HAHA it was sooo fun!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Vacations are over!

Vacations are finally over for good now! We are only waiting on one person to come back into town so we will be fully back to work with all the people we were working with. The problem is that a few people don't really want to keep going when they get home, but we'll see how it goes.

This week has been really awesome! We have been lucky enough to find a few families that are pretty into listening to us. It's actually funny how it works sometimes because, well for example, this week. We found a really good woman who was interested in listening. She told us she had a family and we set up a time to go back to their house. Yeah we get there, and they let us it. Sonia and Luis and their 3 kids. After talking for a while, Sonia and Luis looked at us and said, "Hey guess what, we were baptized in your church a long time ago and never went back. So we know a lot." And we were like WHAT?! I don't know why that happens. There are so many inactive members here. But anyway we actually found a few people like that over the past weeks. They went to church in their part of Santiago, got baptized and moved into our sector and never went again so we don't have their records. It kind of stinks haha.

Well something that I found out, or not really found out, just started applying these past weeks is the importance of Preach My Gospel. It seriously is so good. Anyone who is planning on a going on a mission or just anyone who is a member, read it! It's super good and it really is like magic. Not really magic, but it is legit. It helps so much and I can see it make a difference in the way I work as a missionary and I can see how it's principles can help a member or just any kind of person. It is gold!

Anyway so these pics, the first is a picture of me and my comp in the back of the bishops car. He gave us a lift.

AAAnd finally a picture of the beautiful Andes Mountains. They really are cool!

And then a pic of the zone last week when we played baseball!