Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Well, this might kind of be a little boring of a letter because nothing really exciting happened this week. We just had kind of normal week. We actually walked a lot.

But something that we learned in District meeting this past week was super interesting. Elder Peck, my district leader taught us something that I think applys to everyone. He talked about our purpose as missionaries, and since everyone is a missionary this applies to everyone. Our purpose as a missionary is to "Invite others to come unto Christ." But the word Invite is interesting because it means that we need to be in the act of coming closer to Christ before we invite others. He gave a scripture which is 1 Corinthians 9:14, which is "Even so has the Lord ordained that they who preach the gospel should live the gospel." So that was an interesting thing that I learned.

And then this monday, I went on divisions with my District Leaders companion. His name is Elder Jackson, and he is from Arkansas. He is really cool. He is a convert of one year and he decided to come right on the mission. He was really fun to work with, and I learned a lot from him.

Here he is. We made a Lot of pancakes when he came over.

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