Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Birthday Week

I had a pretty good birthday! I mean, it wasn't the same because I wasn't at home, but it was a lot better than last year! I went to church, and almost everyone wished me a happy birthday because they all know me well enough to know my birthday. I did have a birthday cake that someone made me! And it was delicious! But I'll show more about that in a minute!

But anyway we had a good week this week! Last saturday, we went to a conference with the Santiago West Mission, and we got to hear Elder Viñas, Elder Christianson and Elder Russel M. Nelson, and it was so awesome! All three of them spoke and they also had their wives speak to us. It was just a really spiritual experience. It was really awesome to meet them (yes I shook their hands) and listen to them. I learned a lot, and not just about missionary work, but a bunch of just cool stuff. But the very end was the coolest part. Elder Viñas, Elder Christianson and their wives all spoke in spanish, and Elder Nelson and his wife spoke in English with a translator. When Elder Nelson finished his talk he told us all they he wanted to bear his testimony. He paused for a minute and he started to speak in perfect spanish and gave his testimony. It was a crazy experience. The gift of tongues exists.

But other than that, we worked well this week. My new comp is very good at contacts, while that isn't my strong point, so that's good. We compliment each other on that. We are trying to work more with the members to try and get them to help us.

Alright so this first picture is the cake I got on my birthday. The member sitting in the background thought it would be funny to get it all over my face.

The second one. I know that I am super allergic to cats, but these kittens were way to cute to not play with!

And the third was a random lizard I found while doing service and cleaning someone's patio.

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