Thursday, September 11, 2014

We had a pretty tough week this week. We walked around a lot, a lot, and a lot. We had a lot of investigators that weren't progressing and we just had to move on. So we have been contacting a lot, and a lot haha. So we are pretty tired, but we have tomorrow to completely recover. We can't leave the house all day tomorrow because Chile, on the 11 of September, has a bunch of riots and public showings and stuff like that. So we have to stay in because it's dangerous. Especially for us. So we will be able to have a nice little rest and recuperation. 

Anyway we had a really good week this week. We recently had a reactivation. Her name is Nicole and she is super awesome! Her assignment is to be the ward Zumba instructor, so she is super pumped about that! And so are we! Especially because now her husband is getting more and more interested in the church. His name (or nickname rather because that's what everyone calls him) is Pato. So we are excited about that!

We also got a pretty funny noticia this past week. We sang in the ward choir this last week during our ward conference. And I guess us 4 missionaries are just so good at singing that they asked us to sing for stake conference! That'll be interesting!

Well, there we are. Hope everything is good over there! Oh! And one more thing, I took one picture this week! We went on divisions with the Zone Leaders and that's the picture I took of the two of us!

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